Association Membership (BPAA)

The British Police Archery Association is an archery organisation, open only to serving and retired Police Officers, serving and retired members of Police staff, members of the Special Constabulary, and Police Cadets of Police Forces throughout the UK. It also includes the spouses, dependent children of same, immediate relatives of such members, and specific BPAA Center invited individuals. Such individuals are invited to join, provided that they meet the criteria described above, and can provide a police email address – retired staff would need to prove prior police employment or NARPO membership. Such an individual would already be a member of an official Police Archery Club (group membership), or a member of a civilian community archery affiliated organisation such as Archery GB (AGB) – English Field Archery Association (EFAA) – National Field Archery Society (NFAS) as their primary club, they may also belong to a non affiliated archery group, provided they can show proof of membership and insurance cover for said organisation.

Membership categories are: full adult membership (18 years and over), & junior membership (over 10 years and under 18 years of age)

Our membership period runs from the beginning of October to the end of September each year, and the subscription fee is divided into two categories – The first is an official Police Archery Club registering a group membership the subscription of which is £50.00 per annum covering a maximum of up to fifteen members. This charge then reoccurs for every fifteen block members. The second option is where an individual police family member belongs to a civilian archery club (as affiliated detailed previously), where no official police archery club exists. membership for this category is five pounds per individual per annum.

If you wish to apply for membership of the BPAA and you meet the above criteria, then please complete and submit the membership application form below – once the form has been submitted, considered, and then if approved, you will then be contacted and advised of the outcome and then if you are a successful applicant you will then be sent a link in order to make the relevant payment due.

Outcomes: Acceptance notification for immediate membership of the Association and allocated a region to belong to – Acceptance notification but placed on a waiting list – Rejection of application ( details will be provided on a right of appeal process)


Membership Application Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
please enter DoB as DD/MM/YYYY
Email Address (Work)
Email Address: (Home)
Membership Type applied for:
Select the relevant option
Applicant Age Category:
Please enter the Force you are currently employed with or the force you previously served with. If Spouse, Dependant Child, or other, please list “Not Applicable”
If not a member of either of these groups please enter “Not Applicable”
Other Bow Disciplines Used:
Please provide a passport type image (head and shoulders shot) of yourself for inclusion into a membership slip which will be sent to you. This can be done taking a selfie using a mobile phone camera and then sending image to
Association Options:
Payment Method: (Please tick relevant choice of payment)
Payment for initial Membership or Membership renewal can either be by A “Go Cardless” payment process link which will be sent by email, or it can be by a BACS banking process. If this method is selected then banking details will be sent by email in order for the payment to be made.
By print /signing above, I agree to abide by the Rules and Constitution of the Association. (a copy can be requested from the Administrator —- Note: The Association Centre reserve the right to terminate the membership of any person(s) found to be in breach of the Association rules and constitution. If a junior under 17 years of age – parent or guardian to also print their name in agreement
Please enter date as DD/MM/YYYY